You do not eat in a vacuum. You do not eat with your mouth and only the five senses. Also eat with your thoughts, feelings and consciousness - and you have a certain relationship with these powers. If the report is not correct, your appetite is insatiable; if it is correct, you will be happy with the right amount of food at the right time, without dieting, effort and willpower.
The correct relationship with food can be called "platonic" which evokes a pure relationship or ideal. In a platonic relationship between a man and a woman, there is little or no physical intimacy. The relationship is mainly based on the higher rather than lower powers. In a platonic relationship with food, no emotional intimacy with food. It is mainly physical rather than emotional and sensual. You eat to nourish the body, not to relieve emotional distress, such as stress, boredom, anger, loneliness, etc. You do not eat for emotional well-being, but for the nutritional well-being. When you eat to feel better you just gain weight, because anything that makes you feel that you still want to do, because who wants to stop feeling good?
The opposite of being an emotional eater is to be a conscious eater. Como, dining platonic mindful eating with your higher rather than lower his feelings conscience. His conscience is designed to be of superior quality and different feelings, thoughts and senses, not vice versa. And "aboveness" is the fundamental principle of clarity and effortless control of power and low appetites.
That is why it is called "mind over matter" rather matter of mind. In the latter, his consciousness is lost or entangled in their feelings for what you have lost control of them. His pure consciousness sank in their emotional power. It has become entangled in it, absorbed in it, fixed to it, obscured by it. Therefore, there is little or no clarity of fullness, little or no care of fullness, and little or no power to stop eating, even when you do care to stop and know that you are full.
So cultivate a platonic relationship with food is to develop a certain distance or detachment from their feelings, thoughts and senses you eat. It is to keep your consciousness above and apart from all aspects of the dining experience. The dining room is just the taster, touch, smell and power indicator, while aware, platonic are just a passive witness, observer, observer, the food eater.
No negative emotions in the equation of food; are not only positive - the pride, joy and freedom that derive from eating the right foods at the right time for the right reason - then stop at the right time. Excess weight falls and debris fell as a matter of routine.
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