3 Quick Tips to keep your Pitbull out of trouble and healthy

The following article to share with you three (3) tips you can use to reduce behavioral problems and keep your Pit Bull healthy.

Tip # 1: K9 to 5 job is a must.

By work I mean something your Pit Bull should do in order to make an excess of energy. Work is not only a great way to exercise your dog, which is also a great way to reduce behavior problems.

How does that work behavior problems sidewalk?

From my own research and experience, I can say with 100% confidence that 95% of all behavior problems are caused by lack of stimulation.

In short, his adorable big Pit Bull bored and stupid.

A bored dog will begin to show negative behaviors to relieve excess stress caused by boredom.

Your task, give your dog something to do. Herding, agility, obedience, weight pulling, tracking, none of these would work great for your Pit Bull.

Tip # 2: Cut round routine of dog.

Is what I just said to stop loving your Pit Bull?

Not at all what I'm saying is, there is a time to love and a time for your dog to be a dog.

When asked why Rover jumps respond by asking how much damage Rover?

9 times out of 10, I get a list of things every day, so there's like oh my baby, he likes to lie on the couch for 20 hours a day!

Read the latest. There is the answer to the problem of jumping Rover.

You give too much love.

It is possible and happens all the time.

Pit Bulls Pit Bulls are not children or people.
They need structure and leadership. Not arrogant you are so cute I just want to squeeze his cheeks until the pop attention.
Your task is to give less attention and more than you really need. Structure and leadership.

Again, I'm not saying you should not love your dog or spoil. But there must be a limit to the amount that the two days.

Tip 3: Do you walk or stroll?

A walk is a short walk, the light around the block or at the local store for a soda and chewing gum.

A ride is 2.12 miles of exercise every Pit Bull should have all day to thrive.

What? 2 miles! Are you crazy?

Dogs by nature (you know funny lady Mother Nature's whims) are strays.

See wild dogs, run for miles and miles, sustainable hunting their prey by resistance.

Pit bulls in domesticated are almost the same. They need long walks every day to be truly rid of this ultra energy they are known for.

Their task is to add 2.1 miles to your hike in the next 7-10 days.

in summary

Without work, the structure and exercise, Pit Bulls turn resulting from the absence of these critical needs stress, annoying behaviors negative canines.

Never, not once have I seen a pitbull with a job to do a lot of exercise jumping on guests, barking all day or chew the sofa 10,000 pieces.


The work gives them stimulation and releases the mental and physical stress.
Structure gives them the security and safety of things "wild" in the world.
Exercise gives satisfies his instincts to explore and investigate the world around them.

After giving your dog these three things, then give them the love and attention they deserve.

If you think I'm crazy, that your dog gets plenty of exercise and it's not why they misbehave, try for yourself. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by the results.

What are you waiting for?

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